Mr. Food featured this delicious recipe today that will most certainly be on our menu for the upcoming week!
Devin is doing a great job fighting off another episode the past few days. He's lying in my bed right now playing his Nintendo DS, slowly and gingerly eating butter noodles, and I'm giving him 1 teaspoon at a time of Gatorade in a dropper so that he doesn't get dehydrated. I did order his fluids and IV medications from Chartwell though, just in case. I have to be prepared for anything. They are kept in the refrigerator in one of the crisper drawers, where most people would keep fruits and veggies. Not us though! (....groan....)
You might be interested in reading about the Amish Cook. Her name is Lovina Eicher. She writes a weekly column that is syndicated in select newspapers around the country about her life, and she includes a recipe at the end of every letter. Her mother originally penned the column, but after her death, Lovina took over. I try and read them every week and enjoy getting to know her family through her letters. Here is the link to her current letter. Also, her editor is named Kevin Williams, and his website is here. He has some interesting things on his website too. He has gone to visit Lovina and her family and has made some videos that he has posted of him on a buggy ride, showing Lovina's home and property, etc. It's really neat. You can also go directly to Youtube and in the search field type in "Kevin Williams Amish" and it will pull up his videos.
Enjoy the weekend everyone, and God bless you!
6 days ago
I have been keeping up with the Amish Cook for some time and enjoy her writings.
Praying daily for the health of your family
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