Devin is determined to catch one of the chipmunks that live in our back yard. He is making a trap with an ice cream bucket and some vegetables and apples. He has been feeding them apple pieces for a few days now, so he figured out they like them. Getting the bait ready
Here's the trap!
Setting the trap, and then he waits.
As I write this, he looks outside and yells "MOM! CHIPMUNKS!!", then runs outside to try and catch one, but of course they run away. He doesn't seem to understand that he won't catch one that way, but I like his spirit in trying.
God bless!
Too cute I tell ya! :) Who knows..maybe a squirrel will be dumb enough to just stay there nibbling. I mean think about it, squirrels can't be that smart, they are constantly running in the road and getting
Devin can catch one and then you can skin it and make squirrel
Bless you dear one. Hope you are having a good weekend! Were you able to go to church today? How was it?
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