Here we go again. Another episode started in full force Thursday night. He had been going downhill for two days before that, so I knew what was coming. He finally started throwing up Thursday night, so I got his port accessed and hooked up his fluids and started his IV meds right away, giving them every four hours after that, until the middle of the night last night. He appeared to be doing a bit better this morning, but then around noon started vomiting full force again. I gave him more meds, and he started really crying saying he felt all hot and pointed to his stomach area and up his chest and into his throat. I knew he was having a lot of acid coming up as well, and I don't have IV meds for that (called Protonix). I called the Peds GI on call at the hospital and he advised me to give him an oral dose of his prevacid (which didn't stay down), then call the GI clinic on Monday to get a script sent to our infusion center (Chartwell), who will then have the Protonix delivered to our house with instructions on how to administer it through his IV line.
Poor thing was crying more later on saying he wanted to go to the hospital, and that he'd feel better with doctors and nurses taking care of him. I half agreed, and I would actually have liked to go too, but not if it's not absolutely necessary, and at this point it's not. To help him feel better I read him some stories until he fell asleep. Hopefully this will be over soon! Kate won't leave him alone. She misses him when he's sick and can't play. Those two are inseparable!
His Build-A-Bear friends are watching over him while he sleeps. *Ü*
I just have to mention that my brother-in-law did something really cool this morning.....HE WENT SKYDIVING!!!! He wrote about it and posted pictures on his blog. You have to see them!
God bless you all!!!
6 days ago
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