Hello everyone! Hope your day is going well. I haven't had anything much to say on here lately, so I thought I'd share a few pictures that were on my camera's memory card from the past few days or so. We've been busy continuing with school. Just because it's summer, doesn't mean you have to stop learning I guess. I have to get Antonio up to speed on his multiplication facts, and Devin is just doing a mish-mosh of things until we begin with Christian Light Education after Labor Day.
Devin had fun one day last week playing with Play-Dough for about three hours. Here he made Mr. and Mrs. Silly.
Antonio found the long lost K'nex in our storage room and built this ferris wheel. I tell ya, I don't know how he does it. My brain just could never work that way.
For once I don't have any pictures of Kate to share. I'll have to take some soon. This past weekend I had her out to the store with me and two people called her a boy. Huh? She even had on a dress. Weird.
Tonight's supper is going to be tater tot casserole a' la Duggar. Yum. I'm the only one that likes it though, and I'm sure I'll hear a chorus of "BOOs" from my loving, grateful family. Oh well.
14 hours ago
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