Garage sale find!!!
Frank bought this nice love seat and ottoman at a garage sale today. It's green cordoury and in excellent condition. It had a couch with it, but it wasn't in the greatest shape, although it probably needed a little elbow grease is all to clean it up real nice. We just don't have the room for it downstairs, and the love seat and ottoman are just perfect for our needs. The ottoman opens up as a storage, so we are putting the boys Wii accessories in it to keep Kate away from them. She already bit a hole in the boy's Nerf baseball bat!
I guess I never really did post pictures of what Devin ended up getting from Make A Wish. Here is the television, the Wii, the black game chairs (2), the surround sound speakers, there is a receiver/dvd player inside the cabinet, and the cabinet itself all came from MAW. What I didn't show is the 13 Wii games and the Wii Fit they also got him, not to mention the Best Buy gift card, Build A Bear items, and the really nice party. They were so wonderful to Devin. He deserved to be spoiled a little for once!!!
There is an organization that gives bicycles to children with life threatening conditions, called "Cody's Wheels of Hope". (if I knew how to do a hyperlink I'd put it here). I sent in an application stating Devin's illness, his doctor's name and phone number, and all the information they wanted, and they got to work right away on finding a bicycle suitable for Devin. This is what we agreed on after doing some searching on the internet. They also gave him a helmet. Looks like fun, doesn't it? Frank tried to put it together today, but there are so many small parts and pieces that there was no way he could do it. He pictured poor Devin riding down the street and suddenly the bike would shake and fall apart right underneath him! I'll have to call a bicycle shop to see if someone there can put it together for us. That was at least we'll know it's done right.
Baby girl is having a hard time lately not getting enough sleep and she seems to be feeling icky in general. I took this picture right after she woke up from her afternoon nap, which was around 5pm. She played for a minute or two, then did the baby sign for "eat", letting me know she was hungry.
This is the first time she is sitting at the kitchen table eating like a big girl. She had been throwing her food off her high chair tray, frustrating me to no end! I thought I'd try the table, and sure enough, she did great! She gobbled down her lemon pepper chicken, green beans, and small pieces of fruit. She doesn't use the fork very well yet, but she's just learning. She'll get it. It seems she's growing up so fast, and she's only 1!!!
10 hours ago
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