Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lands' End Bargains

Oh how I love Lands' End! Their clothing is classic and timeless. They wear for generations it seems!
Every year LE has a "warehouse event" up at Harris Park, which is just up the street from my house. You might remember LE is in my town too. The corporate offices, the merchandise, the whole kit and kaboodle is here in my back yard. So anyway, once a year they get out all the customer returns, and not-quite-perfect items and sell them at Harris Park. The sale is lasting six days this year, and it started yesterday. Each day they bring in new things, so you don't necessarily have to go the first day or you miss out. It is good to go right when they open in the morning though, before the best stuff is picked over for the day. I went tonight and didn't get there until 6:30. I did find some good bargains though. The first place I went was to the women's dresses section. I haven't had any new dresses in years! I didn't have great hopes that there would be anything in my size, but when I arrived at the plus size rack, I almost cried. I was seriously fighting back the tears! It was full to the brim with dresses my size! I couldn't believe it! The kind I liked were marked down from $59 to around $17, with 25% off of that. I ended up getting these three dresses.

Next I went over to the children's clothing and shoes section. Like I said, it was the end of the day and was pretty picked over, but I managed to find a dress and some pj's that will fit Kate soon. I want to go back and get her some super cute winter boots that I found too.

I also found two pairs of pants for Antonio. I wasn't sure of his size, but I bought what I thought he was, and sure enough, they fit perfectly. I didn't find anything that fit Devin.

When I got home my dear husband was waiting to see what all I got, and I told him they were selling their adarondak chairs for really cheap. We have nothing to sit on on our deck, so he jumped off the couch and said he was going to run right up there and get them! A little while later, he came back with two chairs and a matching little table. They are not put together though, so we'll do that this weekend.
With all we bought, we ended up saving about $250 off the catalog price! Wowsa! I told my husband that if we had hundreds of dollars to spare, we could go buy a whole bunch of stuff and turn around and sell it on ebay! I might pick up a few things yet before the sale ends (probably on the last day when things are rock bottom priced) and re-sell them.
I love bargain shopping!!!!


Alicia said...

I love Lands Ends clothes!!!!