Old Socks, whitish gray, on the floor at the end of the day.
Rolled off in a lump, makes a strange bump.
I wouldn't dare smell it, I can only tell it.
Tell what?
Why, that sock brings no tear to me.
In fact, it is clear to me, the gray lump is dear to me.
That sock is my husband's.
He wears it to work. He does have this quirk, but that cannot irk.
When I think what it stands for;
Labor and sweat, in sunshine and wet;
Worry and toil in working the soil;
Saving and buying and rough times defying--
All this for me.
Give me the sock worn thin by that guy.
I want to take care of it--May I?
(Written by KH, printed in Keepers at Home magazine Summer 2007)
Thank you my dear husband, for all your hard work. For getting up each morning while it is yet dark, and without complaint, you put on your uniform shirt and jeans, lace up your work boots, and head out the door to face another day in the heat or the snow. I know you'd rather be home with your family, but know that we love you and look forward to your return every evening, when we greet you with smiles and hugs, and my fabulous homemade suppers! *Ü*
Know that when you leave home each morning, you are covered in prayer. I pray for your safety, your happiness, and your health. I pray that God will keep you safe at work all day, and bring you safely home to us each evening. God is good and has never let me down. You are watched over and loved as you go about your day.
Proverbs 31 talks about the virtuous woman. Verses 11 and 12 say this about her; "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life". It is my prayer that I can be all that you've ever wanted and needed, and that I will always do good and not evil to you, all the rest of the days of my life. Be sure that I will sometimes fall short as I have in the past, but you have forgiven me each time. Your kindness and patience allows me to grow and become the wife you want and deserve. I thank you for that.
I'll always love you!!!
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