Yesterday we went to an ice cream social at my grandma's nursing home. It was nice to see granny again. She is still the most beautiful granny in the world! I love her!!! My Aunt Gayle (granny's only daughter) is holding Kate. Granny was enjoying the band they had, and said she really liked her ice cream with strawberries on top.
Granny and Kate. Notice that Kate is red-cheeked and hot, and granny is in a sweater! Yowsa! What happens to us as we get old? Are we cold all the time? Even when it's 87 degrees outside?
After the festivities outside, Antonio did the honors of pushing Granny back to her room. He got going a little too fast and Granny got scared, but he slowed down and she was ok then. We all had a fun time.
Last night I went to see my brother and cousin's new apartment here in Dodgeville. They live on the main drag up above a gift shop. Their place is really nice. They quickly made it their home, and are already settled in. They have a nice big deck where they can look out and see Blue Mounds. They'll be happy there for quite a while I think.
Today I ordered the rest of the books we need from Christian Light for Devin's homeschool studies. He'll be doing 3rd grade this year. Last year was a bad year with him being in the hospital every month almost, and us not getting much learning/teaching done. Antonio ended up doing school lessons in the hospital school as often as possible, which was very helpful. I can't wait for him to start 4th grade this year. He's so ready to make friends and not have his mean mom for a teacher! I told him if he thinks I give a lot of work, wait till he sees what 4th grade has in store for him! Another first is that he'll be riding the bus to and from school every day. He's really, really excited about that! I just hope and pray that this school year will go well for him. I am trying to get Devin's issues under control and get things organized so that in case of an episode, Antonio won't have to miss school. Home health is involved now, so I'm confident things will go better for us all this school term.
Peace and love to you all!!!
3 hours ago
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