Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a Holiday Weekend!!!

I thought Memorial Day Monday would be such a fun day. The boys and I looked forward to going to a parade in Dodgeville (where we're moving to in 17 days) with my sister and niece. We met at Aunt Gayle's house before, then rode downtown together. The parade was cute. It had the VFW guys carrying their flags, the middle school and high school bands, which are always the best part of any parade, the boyscouts, and something else I didn't even take notice of. The children were bee-bopping as the marching bands went by, enjoying themselves. After the parade, everyone came to the front of the courthouse to make speeches and pay tribute to the war dead from that area. Just after the parade was done Devin asked to sit on the sidewalk. No problem. The speeches went on and on and at some point he asked it he could lay down. I instantly had that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong. I asked him if he felt like he was going to throw up, and he said no, but he'd feel better if he could go to the bathroom (poopey). So I told my sister we had to go, and as I stood Devin up, he immediately started throwing up. Two more steps, more puke. We made it to this nice water fountain in front of the courthouse where he finished throwing up. By this time everyone was watching, or rather trying not to pay attention, but couldn't help themselves. You know how that is. A random woman gave us her bottle of water, and someone else said there was a physician there and asked if he should be checked over. I told her no thanks, we know what he has. Missy brought the truck up from the parking area, and we went back to Aunt Gayle's.

I want to stop here and say that I am thankful for the kindness showed by the folks who offered help. Jesus says that if you give a cup of cold water to the least of these, you have done so to me. These good people were angels that day, and I thanked the Lord for sending them.

Back at Aunt Gayle's, we waited to see what Devin would do, whether or not he would continue to throw up. He laid on the hallway floor half naked because his clothes were covered in puke, and continued to vomit. I decided to take him in, that he'd had enough. We were headed to the Upland Hills Hospital for the very first time. This was the test I had been waiting for. I called ahead to the ER and told them who we were and what Devin had and what happened and to call up to UW to get Devin's protocol and notes from his last admission. I didn't have high hopes for this visit, but had no choice. I have but one thing to say about everything from the ER visit to the overnight stay.....WOW!!!! This hospital has absolutely no bells and whistles like the children's hospital we usually go to, but they don't need any! Their staff if amazing!! They had that protocol ready and medicine waiting by the time we arrived, a bed was prepared for him, and nurses standing by. The only reason time was lost was because they couldn't find a vein that didn't blow or roll away once the needle was in. My poor baby went through so many pokes! It's not their fault. It's been happening the last few months to all nurses. Even the SOS team couldn't get anything but his foot, and that's bad. So of course he ended up with the IV in his foot this time too, because there isn't anywhere left to go. They got his fluids going, and got him up to a room in no time flat. He ended up staying overnight because they shot him up with everything they had to stop the episode in its tracks, and it worked! I loved it!! No playing games like UW does. Devin must have been so relieved.

Now that his second episode of May is done, we are at home resting and packing to move. We are so excited to get out of this little box and get to a bigger place. We are so thankful to have so much to look forward to.
Love and blessings,
Kristine *Ü*