At the library a few days ago I checked out the level 5 box of Hooked On Phonics, as Devin is having a bit of trouble with the basics of the sound each letter makes, and sounding out words. So today since he is feeling better, I cracked open the box and showed him the books that were inside. He picked up the first book and read it to me and it was a super cute story about a boy whose dad comes in at bedtime to read a book to his son, but falls asleep halfway though. The boy then plans a party with his stuffed animals, getting the sleeping father involved. Devin laughed so hard on every page! Hoping the next story was as cute, I got the video camera and set it up to record him having a fun time reading. I love to capture times like these, both in memory and on video. I like seeing him have fun while he's well.
*Just pretend you don't see me in the video, ok? I look horrible, and don't even have my veil on! Yikes! I put it on after seeing myself though. I realized I felt naked without it.
*Again, the tv is kinda loud. I was watching Little House on the Prairie, and about halfway through the video I turned it off. Oops.
what a sweet time together reading.
Reading is so much fun. It just opens a person's mind with so many new things! Your boy is doing such a good job! I know you are proud!
I too, feel naked without my veil on, guess that would be the Lord convicting us to put it on. :-)
Ooooo I love Little House on the Prairie!!!! I have all the box sets except, I think Season 2.
Hope you are having a wonderful and happy weekend!!
Your sister in Christ,
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