Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Make A Wish Party

The Make A Wish volunteer thought Silly String would be a fun way to start the party. The theme for the party was Transformers. The volunteer found so many cool party items, including the ribbon Devin is wearing on his shirt. It says he's the hero today.

Family and friends

For the meal, Devin requested Culver's chicken, fries, and mashed potatoes and that's just what he got. We all grubbed! It was delicious!!

After we ate, Devin got to go through all the things that Make A Wish gave him. Actually, not everything because things had been coming in from UPS for days before this, but at the party he was given the Wii he asked for, more games, and things from Build A Bear.

At the end of the party, we had attached an envelope to the strings of the balloons with a note in it to God, asking that he take the bad things about his illness away from him someday. Devin released the balloons and we watched them until they flew out of sight.

It was a wonderful day for him. One that he will never forget. I am so grateful to all the people who helped make it a great time for him, and to my famiy and friends for coming to show their support and love for him.