Kate had another fitting this morning at Lands' End at 10am. I took some pictures to show those of you who have never seen the Lands' End campus. It's massive, but I only took a picture of the building where Kate "works".
Here's building 5a where Kate, my aunt, and good friend work. This is where the fit models go to try on clothes, and of course they do lots of other things in there that I don't know about. My one friend does children's outerwear and talks to people from all over the world.
Today Kate did swim wear. She tried on a swim diaper cover that customers were returning because they were too small so Kate tried on a larger revision, then she tried on another cute one piece suit which ended up having to have more fabric added to it, and then this one which they have to do only a little bit of adjusting to, then a boy one similar to the one in the photo which fit well, and then a one piece play suit which fit well also. They are designing for Spring/Summer 2009 right now. It's fun being a part of it. They said Kate is their best and favorite model so we'll be getting lots of call backs for her. She does really well and is very cooperative with them.
After we were done at LE I drove by the duplex we are moving into this weekend. I wanted to take a peek in the windows to see what the owners were doing in there to get it ready for us. My oh my they're busy in there! They were painting, had the refrigerator pulled out, tearing out the carpeting in the basement, etc... It should be nice and fresh and new for us come Sunday. We already had mail in the mailbox too. Oops. It was from Charter reminding us of the appointment we set with them to get our internet and phone hooked up next week. In the meantime, we are packing up the apartment, cleaning, and getting ready to move out. We can hardly wait to get into a bigger space.
Yesterday we had our appointment with the surgeon who will place Devin's IV port. It's called a Port-A-Cath. It will be placed in his upper chest wall, and be ready and available for when he goes to the hospital for IVs. He said this was long overdue for Devin. Poor thing. If someone would have told me about it sooner he wouldn't have had to go through all the pain he has in the last 12 months. Anyway, we're doing it now, and his life should be much, much easier now. Oh, and I have to learn to flush it once a month if it's not being used. Yikes! I'll have to poke a needle through his skin to get to it. I'm nervous about that, but the doctor said although it might be scary at first, after you do it once or twice, it's not so bad. Whew! He'll have it placed on July 11th. I hope he doesn't go into an episode before that, but chances are he probably will. We'll just have to use his feet veins until we get the port I guess.
Ok, I'm off to do more packing. Love you all!!!
5 days ago
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