Monday, June 2, 2008

I found this on another person's blog and I loved it!!

A B C's of Being a Help Meet

Admit when you are wrong
Be positive
Do it his way
Encourage him
Fix his breakfast
Give back rubs
Hug often
"I love you" should be said many times daily
Joke around in a playful manner
Know his needs
Listen to him
Manage your home well
Never hold grudges
Open your eyes in the morning and smile
Pray for him
Quit nagging him
Reminisce about good times
Show respect and honor
Trust, and earn his trust
Understand his need for reverence
Vulnerability is a feminine trait; cultivate it
Wink at him!
X is for private times
Yearn to please him
Zealously guard him with your love

Isn't that great? I need to be reminded of these things from time to time. I want to have a strong marriage that lasts a lifetime, and these things will help me do just that.