Saturday, May 24, 2008

Starting Up Again

Wow! It's been way too long since I posted here. Crazy!! I need to start posting again, even if it's to tell about our boring lives. It's always the same thing, but my goal is to jazz this place up a little. New pictures, devotionals, or anything I can find that might be half interesting.

I'll start by saying that we're excited to be moving soon. We found a duplex in the town where I went to high school, and have lots of friends. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us there.

Devin just got out of the hospital again. He was in April 2-7, and then again May 12-19. We had two hospital stays out of this recent one, but I'm just rolling it all over into one. He vomited the whole time anyway, just a half day was spent at home instead of in the hospital. This was his worst episode yet and I seriously thought he was going to die. I know he wasn't really going to, but I was so scared! He was in such a crisis he started having seizures, despite being on an anti-epileptic. We had to increase his current medications, and add a new one just to get him to stop throwing up. Poor baby was in a world of misery! His Uncle, Aunt and cousin stopped by one of those evenings with a Build-A-Bear which really cheered him up. Just them being there was thrilling enough for him, but a stuffed animal from BAB was over the top for him. Once the vomiting stopped he recovered remarkably well. The day after we got home he went right back to hitting the books for homeschooling. I never make him do anything the first day he's home after an episode, but he was anxious to get back to normal life again. I was too though.
Tomorrow we're going to a small town Memorial Day parade, where I hope to see lots of old friends. I'll take some pictures of the children and post them here. I have a super cute outfit picked out for Kate, and I can't wait to see her in it.

Here is a cute video of her the very first time she rode on the baby swings at the park.

Goodnight for now!

Love and blessings,
