Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ok, I'm not really sure what I'm trying to do with this old, stale blog anymore. I had a really cool muse recently, when I renamed it "Scraping off the Burned Parts", but now of course, I lost it. I don't even remember where I was trying to go with that. Well, I do remember just a little bit of it. Don't anyone think I'm crazy, ok?
I was thinking about my life, and how many things in it appear "burned" on the outside, tarnished, just not all the way right, but if I scrape off just enough of the surface, what I find underneath, is beautiful and wonderfully made! The more I thought about it, I realized that there are so many situations, and people in my life that this muse pertains to. It can be the same for every one of you, too. Just think about something in your life that, on the outside, maybe doesn't look so appealing, or seems just plain hideous, but really, when you take the time to look below the surface, you can see something so totally different!
For instance, maybe you drive the same route to work day in and day out. The same scenery passes before your eyes, but tomorrow, just for one day, look at it with fresh eyes. Here in WI, summer is so beautiful, and I know that in the busyness of my life, I forget to stop and look around at God's beautiful creation. He paints the most breathtaking scenes in the WI countryside that I've ever seen! Summer is too short, and sometimes I think I'd rather fuss about the long, cold winter than enjoy the short, sweet summer.
Enjoy the people and things that surround you. Pick something good out of each and every person, and think on that, instead of dwelling on the negative. Each person has something good in them. Sometimes you might have to scrape off more burned layers to find it, but do it! Find it, and embrace it! Are you feeling the love yet?
Life is too short. Live it so that you have no regrets!

Can I get an AMEN?!..............anyone? *Ü*


HsKubes said...

lol Okay, amen!
I think your title and theme are quite clever! We all have to scrape off the burnt to see the good. ;o)

~ Christina