Friday night my friend Becky invited us to her friend Phyllis's farm to see the animals. We both though the children would enjoy seeing the goats, miniature horses, cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, pig, rabbits and everthing else Phyllis has on her farm. The boys had fun exploring and feeding the animals, and Kate liked the cats the best. She did have a face-off with one of the ponies though. She didn't like that animal very much and got kind of scared. They all had a lot of fun though, and it was nice to do something different on a Friday night. Phyllis's farm
Antonio with the goat named Tina that was raised in the bathroom in the house!
Kate checking out a pony.
Today, Saturday, I was anxious to get out of the house for a bit, so I thought I'd go driving looking for an amish store I had heard about that isn't too far away. Thankfully, Mapquest was right for once, and gave me good directions right to the place. It's a furniture store, but also has a lot of other items for sale. I tried a super cute prairie bonnet on Kate and she looked so sweet! I ended up getting her a winter scarf, and a little book of pictures of mama and baby animals. Afterwards, we stopped at our favorite popcorn store, Rural Route 1 Popcorn in Montfort. Antonio got his usual jalapeno cheese popcorn, and Devin tried the red and white colored Bucky Badger popcorn. Amish furniture store (Missy, click on the picture to make it bigger, and look at the Amish "ghost" lurking at the back of the porch. {{{scary ghost noises}}} Are ya scared?)
Devin and Kate. I could hardly get her to stay in the chair because she wanted to go and chase the chickens that were roaming free.
1 week ago
I can see he has an axe!!!
Oooo the trip to the farm looks like such a blessing! The kiddos looked like they had a good time as well. :-)
I still have yet to visit an Amish or Mennonite store for that matter. :-)
God Bless You Sis!
Happy last day of September!
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