Monday, June 9, 2008

Time for one quick post

Saturday morning Devin woke up throwing up! We were like, you've got to be kidding me?! What brought this on? Right away I gave him a 8mg Zofran, and 1mg Lorazapam, which stopped the vomiting right away, and helped him sleep for about an hour or so. When he woke up, he was feeling better, but not well enough to get up yet, so we looked through some of his National Geographic Kids magazines together and talked some about his wish from Make A Wish. Soon he felt well enough to walk around a bit, and get something to drink. After a while he was well enough to go to Madison for the afternoon.
I can't believe we aborted this episode at home and didn't end up in the hospital. We may not be so lucky the next time though. I'm going to take a quick look back over the past few months to see what dates he was sick so I can see if there is a pattern to these cycles or not.
Last night Devin found some stationery with hot air balloons on it with matching envelopes that had been in his bag that the hospital gave him. The hot air balloon paper was for him to write down all the bad things that happen to him and send them up to the sky far away from him. (It's part of a relaxation program through UW Peds Psychology for chronically ill children). He asked me to write the things on the paper that hurt him while he's sick.
stomach hurts
shots in my foot
yucky medicine
I can't drink sometimes when I'm thirsty (sometimes he hasn't had anything to drink in three days and still can't have anything even though he's begging! That hurts me too)
throwing up and going to the hospital
watching violent kid shows (don't know where this came from)
On the front of the envelope he told me to write "Dear God, please take these things away from me", then he signed his name. I told him we'll get a helium balloon and tie the envolope to the balloon strings and send it up in the sky to Heaven.
I may not be posing much in the next few days because we're going to be moving on Sunday, and I'm sure it goes without saying that we have a lot to do. I did want to mention that we have to change our phone number, but we were able to keep our cell phone numbers. I'll call everyone and give you our new home number.

God bless,
Kristine *Ü*